Where there’s water, there’s life.

It’s essential to survival, but millions of people live without access to fresh drinking water. It doesn’t have to be that way. Whether donating your money, time, or talents, you can help us give the gift of water to families and communities around the globe.

Our Mission

One well at a time, we want to give access to fresh, clean water to every person on the planet. It’s easy to take for granted that water is the earth’s most precious resource when it’s so readily available and dispensable in our lives, but for millions of people around the planet, access to fresh drinking water is a fight for life every single day. At Earthswell International, we truly believe in a world where no on struggles due to the lack of one of the most basic human necessities. That’s why we’ve devoted our mission to building wells in the rural, vulnerable places, that, without access to water, have no chance in building a flourishing community.

$138,691.12Total Donated
$835Average Donation

Get involved.

Whether donating to our overall mission, getting involved in our latest fundraiser, or raising money on our behalf, there’s plenty of ways to help support our cause.